Friday, May 24, 2024

Calvert Hall- You are a school with a HUGE ❤️

I have been a teacher for 26 years and one big takeaway from my experiences are that kids need to know that you care before they care about learning. The old saying- “Maslow before Blooms” is so true.  Kids need their basic needs met including love and belonging so they can maximize their learning experiences.   Building and nurturing relationships in any capacity is truly the foundation for a healthy and successful school and work place (just my two cents!)  I follow a teacher on Instagram- Mrs. Arensberg who lives and breathes this. Even though she teaches 4th grade, her ideals can be applied to anywhere.  

Today, after school on a Friday and a holiday weekend when traffic is at the worst, Wyatt’s school counselor and nurse, stopped by for a visit.  Just them visiting at the end of a long work week, was enough to put a huge smile on Wyatt’s face, but they brought so many well wishes from the Calvert Hall community- big photo of his band homeroom waving hi! 👋. A signed poster from his peers - he read every single message on that poster.  Cards from the Brothers and CHC community, a giant chocolate bar, and lots of CHC treasures from the Advancement Office and CHC community and more.  I haven’t seen Wyatt smile and be totally moved like this in a long long time.   Laying in a bed in the same room for weeks being poked and in pain is absolutely no fun.  This is exactly what he needed.  Going to a school with a big heart that truly cares about their students is so much more meaningful than anything else I can think of! Thank you CHC ❤️❤️❤️.  Your actions will be a lifetime memory for Wyatt.  

Also- his sister came to visit for the first time.  She also had him laughing!  These two have been close all their lives (only 14 months apart) and he looks up to her so much.  

Typical sister- Under questions of what to ask the doctor, Chloe writes- “Where do babies come from?” 😂 

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