Monday, May 13, 2024

Set Back

I am not going to say we are back to normal anymore.  About a week ago, we noticed drainage coming out of Wyatt’s head in two spots and a wound on his neck not healing.  We consulted with his surgeon and the next day he admitted Wyatt to Hopkins (last Thursday) with surgery to reopen his back the next day.  To his surprise the infection was down his entire back.  Plastic surgery used muscle to close Wyatt’s wound that was not healing and neurosurgery tapped his shunt.  It was 3-team effort of ortho, neuro, and plastic surgery- that was planned in one day.  The cultures came back with heavy growth of staphylococcus aureus in the back, shunt, and bones.   Wyatt was placed on IV antibiotics- oxacillin every four hours and after speaking with the infectious disease doctor, an additional antibiotic will be added.  Since his shunt drains to his heart, so this was very concerning.  It was removed this evening and an external drain was placed.  Because of this, he will be in the ICU. The time frame is unknown but we are thinking about two weeks.  Wyatt has been trying to grow out his hair for a “longer” short hair cut but this evening it was completely shaved.  All this is so sad and a set back but he will persevere and come back even stronger.  Keep saying those prayers.  He needs them.  🙏🩷
My Mother’s Day present from Hopkins

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