Friday, May 31, 2024

Successful Surgery!

Wyatt’s surgery was successful!!  After a very long 2.5 weeks in the Pediatric ICU, it looks like we arrived at the best case scenario.  It’s the first time in his life since he was just a couple months old, that he no longer has a shunt.  There is a capped off drain in his ventricles and if he develops signs of hydrocephalus, the drain can be opened and tapped and/or he can get a shunt.  It’s been a total tune up for Wyatt here at the PICU.  Early on the docs thought he reherniated but he didn’t, we learned why his arm is weak, we experimented with various pain meds to find the right ones, we addressed the infection and probably a few other things I can’t think of.  They looked after his entire body- including social emotional and diet. Today we will spend in the PICU and then move to the step down floor.  After that is unknown- may be inpatient rehab, outpatient intensive, or something else.  After surgery, Benji and I were waiting outside the Wyatt’s room while the nurses and doctors were getting him situated. When there is a code blue- EVERYONE comes running, the blue light flashes outside the room and there is an alarm that sounds on the floor.  Well that happened when we were in the hallway- and it was Wyatt!  Luckily someone in the room pressed it by mistake but my heart sank for a few seconds.   

If you have to be at Hopkins- pick a Thursday.  Free lunch for all the parents! Sometimes it’s from a local restaurant- one time Chiaparellis, this time Panera!  Also, 15 min back, neck and arm massages.   It was heavenly 🩷. Thank you for all the well wishes!

I also wanted to share that I am meeting some really nice families in the PICU.  Wyatt’s neighbor Bella has been here for 3 months.  Everyone supports each other.  The sickest of the sick are on this floor… and the dedication of their parents, nurses, and doctors is admirable and like none other. 

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