Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Story Time

Every night we read stories before bedtime to Chloe and Wyatt. Wyatt usually has story time on the rocking chair downstairs and Chloe in her room upstairs on the glider. It's one of our favorite times in the evening. A few nights ago we had story time together as you can see in the above picture. We are introducing touch and feel books to Wyatt and he is learning to turn the pages. We also put Chloe's books in her crib and I catch her reading them when she wakes up in the morning... it's so cute! We are starting to read longer books to her and not as many "board books." We also keep all their books in reach... bins on the floor in every room they play in so that they can access the books themselves and bring us them to read. Well Chloe does, not Wyatt yet... but hopefully soon! I think books are so important to language development and much better than any TV show!

A blog to read- Baby Will... a CDH baby not born yet... but due any day now. It's interesting to read about the parent's anxiety and excitement before the adventure and miracle that is ahead of them. We wish them the best and they are in our prayers.

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