Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's. I am so proud of Chloe and Wyatt and love them more than anything in the world. They are my pride and joy and I can't think of a better present, than the love they show me every day. Below are some pictures of me pregnant with Chloe, Chloe's birth (Aug. 15th 2006) and Wyatt's birth. Two VERY DIFFERENT experiences. I think one of the toughest things in the beginning was not having Wyatt in my hospital room with me while Chloe spent every minute with me. I remember with Chloe all I wanted to do is sleep and all she wanted to do was to stay awake and breastfeed. On the other hand, with Wyatt... I missed the cries, breastfeeding, holding, and staying up all night. Tomorrow, Benji is making brunch for my parents, sister, grandmother, and his parents. It's going to be a fun day!!!

Pregnant with Chloe... the night before her birth....

Holding Chloe for the first time shortly after I delivered her at St. Joseph's Hospital in Towson.

Chloe, only 11 months old holding Wyatt who is still thriving inside of my belly. I was not in a rush to deliver Wyatt, because I knew while he was still inside of me, he was happy, healthy, and not suffering.

Chloe on her first day of life....

Below are a few pictures of Wyatt's birth.... a little different from Chloe's birth.
Visiting Wyatt in the NICU

Holding Wyatt at 5 weeks old for the VERY FIRST TIME....

Wyatt's home for 5 months... Hopkins NICU, PICU, 6th floor, and Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital.

Today.... they both love spending time with each other... they are even the same size!!

Today Chloe was helping Daddy and Grandad plant 11 trees in our yard!! Can you spot Chloe??


Unknown said...

What a lovely entry! You, both times, were a glowing new mama. I'll never forget talking to you on the phone the day Wyatt was born. I was so scared and you seemed so strong. I remember so clearly you telling me how the team of doctors was there to scoop him up as soon as he came out of you and that you didn't get to hold him or even see him that well. Wyatt was taken to the NICU immediately and you were left in the delivery room to wait and wonder. I remember crying buckets on the phone that night and trying so hard to hide my weakness and fear from you with muffled sobs and lots of tissues. I thought I knew you well up to that point, but that day I learned that you have this special, rare strength in you that is fueled by optimism and a passionate love for your children. This special something that you have, has this power to block out the fear and despair that would naturally take over for most people. You taught me so much that night and through the past 19 months about the true purpose of being a mom. You told me, "I'm all Wyatt has, I am his mom and I need to be his biggest cheerleader." I think about that often as I navigate through my days with my kids. You became, that night, an inspiration for me.

Thank you, Gina, for teaching me the power and true purpose of motherhood. Happy Mother's Day.

Love Always,
Laura H.

Liz and Shane said...

I love all your pictures. What an incredible and different journey on both pregnancies. Happy Mothers Day. Chloe and Wyatt have a wonderful mommy!