Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Tuesday, June 30th is my 8th year Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary Benji to a great 8 years!!! Wow.. how much we have accomplished or acquired in our 8 years-

2001- purchased our first home, married, went to Jamaica, got our dog, Abby
2002- got our cat, Sputnik, re-habed our first house by ourselves, went to Universal Studios
2003- bought a car
2005- I went to Space Camp, Benji went to Jazz Camp, also went to Europe and a great wine vacation at the Finger Lakes.
2006- sold our first home, by owner, bought another house and moved with the help of a lot of friends, lived with my parents for 1 month, Chloe was born.
2007- Wyatt was born and that has been an adventure ever since!!

So since we can't just hire an "average" babysitter... we will probably just make a nice dinner after the kids go to sleep:)

Wyatt has his post-op appt tomorrow at 8am at Hopkins, and then I am off to work!!

Happy Anniversary!!

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