Monday, August 31, 2009

Chloe's first real hair cut

My first baby... Chloe will soon be going to school. (pre-school). She meets her teacher on Thursday and starts next Tuesday. To get ready for school, she got her hair cut today. I have always trimmed her hair and I am just as good at cutting hair as I am in singing (I am not good at both). Since Chloe has super straight hair, you can really see when it's cut crooked. So my neighbor is a hair dresser at a hair salon and she even built a hair salon in her basement. Chloe and I went over her house tonight for Chloe's first real hair cut. Chloe was great, except she had tons of knots in her hair and did not especially like when they were combed out. Today was a big day for cut and doctor's appt... what a big girl she is becoming. By the way, today during our evening walk, she said to me..."Mom, did you know that a STOP sign is an octagon?"

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