Monday, October 26, 2009

Is there a Super Why in the house??

The rain did not stop us from celebrating Halloween early! Chloe and Wyatt had a party Friday night at the YMCA and they got to wear their costumes early. More on their costumes during out Halloween post, but here is a sneak peek! Then Mommy and Daddy got to go to our neighborhood Halloween party while Mom-mom babysat. We really do live in the best neighborhood! Everyone definitely knows how to have fun!!

Chloe Monster!! She just made this up, but insisted she is a NICE monster:)

This is what the kids did while Mommy and Daddy went to the party.... reading with Mom-mom

Can you guess what we are? I am a deviled egg (I even sprinkled the paprika on top!) and Benji is Pink Floyd.

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