Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's a DOG Party!!

A perfect excuse to reconnect with old friends is throwing your dog a party!! Back in "BK", before kids, Benji and I lived in a townhouse and one of our neighbors was also a co-worker of mine. Our first year we were married, Benji and I got a dog from the Humane Society and Jim, our neighbor also got a dog that same year- Shadow, a little hot dog. Abby, was the center of our attention. She got three walks a day, special treats, playtime, playdates with other dogs, etc.... Abby's best friend, Shadow played together every day. Then we moved and had two kids and Abby didn't get all the attention that she had before, especially traveling to the hospital every day for 5 months. We still loved Abby, but things were different. Lately, we started returning our attention back to Abby. She goes on every family walk with us and we play with her along with the kids together. This year, Abby turned 8 years old, so we decided to invite our friend Jim over and surprise Abby by also inviting Shadow. Abby was super excited to see both of them, in fact she was so excited she peed on the floor. She has not done this since she was a puppy!!! We made cupcakes, a juicy hamburger for Abby and Shadow, gave goody bags, and Abby got presents. It was her special day!!... and a great excuse to catch up with an old friend!!

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