Friday, August 20, 2010

Wyatt enroute to the ER -- Pains when Coughing

It's Danielle Gina's sister, I will update this post if I hear anything. Gina is taking Wyatt to the ER -- let's HOPE and PRAY that it is not a re-herniation!!

3:30 pm - Gina said Wyatt is not normal today, when he coughs he says his tummy hurts. Wyatt's doctor advised her to take him to Hopkin's ER. Gina just arrived. She says it's not the same as when he was an infant, he understands everything that's going on.

"Why are we here?" Wyatt said. "My tummy hurts."

Gina tells him they are here to take a photo of his tummy.


Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers for Mr. Wyatt. I hope you feel better little man. We will be keeping you in our thoughts...

*super dude and super dog* said...

Oh no! We'll be thinking of you and checking in.


Liz and Shane said...

Praying everything is ok

Jennifer Tenney said...

Praying for Wyatt and all good news.