Friday, June 4, 2021

It's been awhile... here are some pictures from the last four years.

 We are in for another adventure coming up mid-June but this time in St. Petersburg, FL.   Wyatt is now a thriving, happy teenager and enjoys playing golf, partcipating in scouts,  collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards, coming up with money making schemes,  and is a master of carnival games (we have way too many giant stuffed animals in our house!!) etc...  Below are some pictures of  what he has been up to in the last few years.    On a medical note, he has re-herniated with intestines in his chest which is impacting his breathing and overall comfort and poses a risk of a GI blockage.  This year especially was challenging for Wyatt in the midst of a pandemic.  While his school was in person, five days a week, Wyatt remained 100 percent virtual until the end of April.  Majority of his activities were virtual and we avoided all indoor dining and limited our social gatherings to keep him safe.  All along, we relied on following the science and tried to block out all politically driven propaganda related to the pandemic.  It was hard, but I am proud to say, we stayed true to oursleves and (knock on wood) remained healthy.  I am especially proud of Chloe who was very viligant in protecting herself in school, social activities, and extracurriculars, so she could protect her brother.  So, now we are traveling to FL to have the world renowned Dr. Kays, CDH surgeon and Dr. Chandler,  Wyatt's ORGINAL surgeon, from 13 years ago and huge advocate for Wyatt's health- operate on him.  It is all a miracle how it all happened with the help of Dr. Goldstein, Wyatt awesome pediatrician who contacted Dr. Chandler and Dr. Chandler for connecting us with Dr. Kays.  Wyatt truly has a world-class medical team and just proves that building and sustaining relationships is the foundation and most important in all aspects of life.    Stay tuned for more updates!!!

Other hospitalizations in the past four years:

2018- Pancreatitis (one week at Johns Hopkins)

July 2020- Foot reconstruction surgery (no weight on his foot from July-October) 

Wyatt's sister, Chloe is his biggest cheerleader and a huge positive factor in Wyatt's health journey. 



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