Monday, June 3, 2024

Breaking Out!

We broke out and went to the courtyard to visit the Koi pond! Ortho and Neurosurg signed off today- cleared us for home! MRI last night was unchanged which is good.  However, Wyatt decided to stop eating because food got stuck in his throat and it was a scary experience.  As a result he had a swallow study today- it showed normal swallowing but when food travels down his esophagus, it may have a retrograde flow.  All this means that he has to drink more and bite his food in smaller sizes.  He is still not eating a single thing though for the past two days.  Hopefully he will start eating.  Looks like we are going to outpatient intensive rehab at KKI as our next steps.  Wyatt was so brave today. He had this big sticky bandage ripped off from his head today which pulled off a big chunk of hair.  I can’t imagine the pain.  

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