Saturday, February 16, 2008

Same as last weekend!!

Well it's the weekend, and guess what that means... Wyatt is on IV fluid and then pedilyte for the weekend (same as last weekend). Wyatt had a chest x-ray today and blood work and everything is fine. He will probaby loose weight and then we are back to square one again. On Friday, Wyatt decided to pull out his ng tube and so it was replaced just like last Friday. Wyatt has been spitting up alot lately and he continued to spit up but it was a brown color which means something is bleeding, probably from the ng tube poking it. When Wyatt returned from Mt. Wash after the shunt surgery, his feeds were increased from 27 calories to 30 calories, then glucose was added so now it's 32 calories. The volume was increased from 27 ml/hr continuous to 28 ml/hr. Well... I think increasing the calories is making his stomach very upset. He spits up about once an hour since his surgery. I know it's not the shunt causing the spit ups, because when his feeds are stopped on the weekend, he does not spit up. The doctors at Hopkins said 30 calories is a lot and they would not go above that. Also, Wyatt's friend Jack's mom was also told the samething by the GI docs at Hopkins. I am going to request that Wyatt goes back to 27 calories where he was happy and gaining an ounce a day. We have a busy week ahead of us... Tuesday is the clinic at Hopkins with Wyatt's surgeons. Wednesday we go back to Hopkins for clinic with the ENT doctors and surgery for g-tube is scheduled for the 28th. I am actually looking forward to g-tube surgery so we can say good bye to the ng tube and bring Wyatt home. Wyatt says thank you to his friend Jack for the Valentine :)))


Vicki Jensen said...

Jack said to tell Wyatt that he's glad he liked his Valentine! We can't wait for your appt on Tuesday and hear the plan. I bet once you get Wyatt home he'll just take off and thrive. All the back and forth is probably just causing a shuffle of a few steps forward, a few back. You know the best what he needs.

I can sense that home is getting close!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wyatt!
I am back from a weekend away and it sounds like you are still doing well...I too can't wait for Mommy's update after the visit tomorrow. Now remember, just because Mom-mom is going to Japan for Auntie Danielle's wedding doesn't mean Mommy can't call on us...hear that Mommy??? We are all here for anything you need.
Stay well little guy and let's get you home soon!!!
Hugs and prayers,
Karen :)