Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy CDH Awareness Day!

Today was CDH Awareness Day. Jack's mom hosted a blood drive in honor of Jack in Frederick. After work I traveled to Frederick to give blood. As Vicki and I donated blood, we were saying that our little boys endured so much compared to this. They are tough little fighters that gave everything they had to survive. Wow!! we are so proud of them. Baby Sofia and Baby Ned's blog has two great CDH Awareness Day stories. The above photo is a picture of the CDH moms. Jack's mom and Andrew's mom are standing next to me. Andrew was born at Hopkins after Wyatt and Jack at 32 weeks with CDH and survived for just a couple of days. We are always thinking about Baby Andrew and their family.


Vicki Jensen said...

Hi Gina. It was so great to see you today. I can't wait for the boys to meet soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gina...
Wyatt continues to look happier and happier...and Chloe has truly taken on the "big sister" role and looks to be doing a marvelous job!!!
I proudly wear my CDH ribbon...thank you so much for thinking of me.
Always in my thoughts and heart...
Karen :)