Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's the weekend and we are home... I don't remember the last time that occurred??

Fun times with Mom-mom

After a while, this gets boring...

Wyatt is doing great. It's a quiet Saturday. We decided to decrease his oxygen from 1/2 liter to 1/4 liter and he is doing great! We also decided to increase his feeds from 30ml/hr to 31ml/hr and is handling it just fine. He has been awake playing and smiling for most of the day and finally is taking a nap!

Baby Sofia was just placed on ECMO last night so please keep her in your prayers-

Also... it's our super nanny, Lori's last week to be with Chloe. She has been with Chloe since she was 3 month's old and has played a huge part of what Chloe is today... a lovable, well-rounded, fun-loving, little girl. We will miss Lori tremendously. Lori started a blog of her adventures out West in case you are interested- Check it out here- We'll miss you Nanny!!


Anonymous said...

Aw gosh I didn't mean to make you cry!!! What makes me want to cry is seeing Wyatt at home right where he should be, FINALLY! (tears of joy of course!)

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way... I'm still new to all of this. I didn't mean to make my name "about me!" hahahaha