Thursday, July 31, 2008

County Fair Pictures

Our County Fair is an old fashion 4-H fair with out the commercialization. It's the only free fair in our state. Going to the fair this year brings back so many memories of my childhood. I was in 4-H since I was 8 years old and rode horses. Every year, I would show my horse in the fair as well as my dog, cat, and crafts. Our 4-H club would also create a booth and I was required to complete a record book each year. 4-H is where I acquired my leadership skills through public speaking, being President of our club, and Director of 4-H camp. It brings back so many memories of such a happy childhood that I can't wait for Chloe and Wyatt to experience 4-H. I am glad to see our county fair maintain it's small town flavor.

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