Thursday, July 31, 2008


Tonight's episode of Hopkins was very sad. Two pediatric patients did not make it and a 3 month old baby was abused. However, it did bring back memories. The NICU was featured in episode 6 and it's where a large chunk of Wyatt's time was spent along with myself and Benji. We formed relationships with the doctor's and nurses since we basically lived there all day long sitting on a chair holding and loving our sedated (most of the time) baby. The Hopkins NICU has about 40 beds. It has four large rooms with about 10 beds in each. Wyatt had the best spot of all! We had the Thompson room which was painted a bright peach, we had a corner spot with a rocking chair and book shelves to hold my stuff, and best of all a window! Wyatt did not have to be in the incubator... he had a nice plush crib with a few mobiles and tons of stuffed animals and signs all over. Hey.. I had to decorate his little home:)) Check out the video clips of Episode 6 which features the NICU which was Wyatt's home for so long and also became ours:)) Also, the video link on Episode 4 shows Dr. Fackler explaining the full context of his controversial statement, "Just let the child die."

Below are a few pictures of Wyatt in the NICU at 5 weeks -2 months old.

Wyatt in the PICU on ECMO between 1 day-3 weeks old

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched Hopkins last night too. It gets very emotional seeing that environment. Sometimes I wonder how we spent all that time there and didn't freak out from the noise and chaos. I think you get tunnel vision and only see your baby. I'll have to check out the link for Dr. Fackler's comment!