Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

We had a very nice 4th of July. It was a great family day. We all were invited to two cook-outs. The first cook-out Wyatt enjoyed watching everyone swim and Chloe had a great time in the pool! Our second cook-out, Wyatt was a party animal. He did not go to sleep until almost the end of the evening. Chloe also fell asleep before the fireworks started so we have some sparklers so she will be able to see some type of fireworks this year. The parties were fun and we enjoyed being out together as a family. My camera battery died, so I will add more pics tomorrow.

Today we had a nice visit from my cousins Andy, Laura, and their two boys, Reed and Garrett. It was great to see them... they visited Wyatt several times while he was in the hospital, so it was nice for them to come by when Wyatt was home. I was with both kids all day by myself and I loved it!! It was the first time in a long time with out a nurse, no hubby, and I did not have to be anywhere. This may be the reason why I am blogging almost 1am.. but I had a great time playing with them and Wyatt and Chloe both were in great moods all day. Usually bedtime and nap time can be really crazy... but tonight it went so smoothly.

Some people laugh because they have to attend a pre-school graduation... it seems like graduations come earlier and earlier. Well... Wyatt was invited to the Johns Hopkins NICU graduate party in late July. Wyatt is looking forward to meeting up with his buddy Jack so that they can PARTY again!! It's Wyatt's first graduation :)) In December we have the ECMO survivor party (what a name for a party..???)

1 comment:

Vicki Jensen said...

Oh boy! Jack is really excited that his best bud Wyatt will be at the Hopkins Graduation to party it up with him! I wonder if we'll meet any other CDH families?
