Sunday, January 18, 2009

This was what we got from Wyatt when we vented him last night....

After the g-tube episode yesterday, I thought everything was ok. We seem to be having communication issues with our nursing agency. Our regular nurse requested this weekend off a month ago, and we thought we had a replacement nurse here who knows Wyatt really well, however, no one showed up and I slept on the couch Friday night and Benji slept on the couch Saturday night. You really can't get sleep when there is no nurse. Wyatt needs to be vented every hour, medication given at midnight and 3am, and his oxygen alarm goes off, so you need to either put the cannulas back in his nostrils or reposition him. We are his parents and are fully prepared to stay up with him is just nice to prepare for it if possible. So last night when Benji vented him at 1am and 2am, he got this out of his g-tube- dark brown stuff. When I saw the residue this morning, my heart just sank, because Wyatt has been doing great. So good, at times I don't even realize he is connected to machines. This is not new for us... we now have a protocol when this happens. If it's an isolated incident, we do nothing. If it re-occurs and Wyatt is not himself (fussy, temp, etc...), we go to the ER. In the past.. he had a bowl obstruction and reherination when this occurs. So we always carry extra pedilyte on hand. When it occurs, we take him off his feeds and give his body a rest for about 1 hour, then we put him on pedilyte for about four hours. If he is happy and no brown stuff comes out, we are good!! So that is what we did. Wyatt has been on pedilyte all morning and now he is on formula. So far he is his happy self and all vitals ok. Since it's not a lot, we are not too concerned. My theory is that this may be old blood from when the g-tube was yanked from his stomach. We are on standby and watching him closely. I guess Wyatt knows a holiday is approaching! (MLK Day and the Inarguation).


Anonymous said...

Hi Gina - Just catching up on your blog. Glad to hear things are going well with Wyatt, despite your last post. Hope its nothing. We think of you guys often. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. Hope to see you soon.
Chuck, Sue and Megan

Betsy Dellinger said...


Just wanted to check on on Wyatt...I'm so sorry to see you guys are going through a fearful period. I know that sinking feeling when things have been going so well. I'll pray for Wyatt tonight that this will be an isolated incident and all will be back to normal tomorrow. I'll be checking in!!!Betsy

Amber said...

Just in case I will say a little prayer Wyatt!


Vicki Jensen said...

I hope everything is OK! I can't believe you replaced the g-tube yourself! I bet you never thought you'd be able to do something like that.