Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wyatt's not feeling well:((

Wyatt had a miserable day. He rocked in the rocking chair all day long and could not seem to get comfortable. I called our pediatrician and he said come in tomorrow if he is still not feeling better. He is on Motrin and Tylenol around the clock, but no temp and stats are good. I have a feeling it's an ear infection. Over the weekend at my parent's house, Wyatt kept pouring water over his head. This may be his first ear infection. I really hope it's a normal two year old thing. Also, please pray for Wyatt's NICU buddy Drew, he will be having major surgery tomorrow.

Below are Chloe's friends. These are the girls she is in day care (my neighbor)with.... they are all best buddies and they have a great time together!!! On this day, they decided to all wear pink (not planned) and have their hair braided. Chloe is on the far left.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

oh my gosh, this is the CUTEST. Cho-cho looks all grown up!