Thursday, November 19, 2009


There are many things in my life to be proud of, but I was especially proud of Chloe today. When I picked Chloe up from pre-school today, her teacher said that Chloe really enjoyed the Thanksgiving party and the class made a banner of all the things they are thankful of.... What did Chloe draw? Chloe drew her brother Wyatt and told her class she was thankful for her brother. Tears came to my eyes and I was especially proud of Chloe and told her that I am thankful for her!!

Chloe and Wyatt act so much like a normal 2 year old boy and 3 year old girl who are siblings. Wyatt will take toys away from Chloe and push her, he will tell on her and like wise with Chloe. Then there are times, they sit and cuddle together, share, and are gentle. Wyatt even tells me when he is sharing with Chloe, he says "Mommy, I'm sharing with Chloe!"

Wyatt started saying "Not Yet!" at the most appropriate times! It's so cute to hear him say this. When we give him a bath, he will hold his hand out and say, "Not yet!" or when we change his diaper, or brush his hair, etc.... It's very funny to listen to him.

So many people commented on how well Wyatt looks in all the pictures, especially the pictures that involve food. He looks like he is eating just like the rest of us!! Wyatt is doing well, but he is faking us all out!! He really doesn't eat anything. He sits down at the table with us and at the table during play date lunches. He gets the same food as everyone else. He holds the food to his mouth and licks, then pretends to chew. He also takes "drinks" but never gets any liquid in his mouth. It's all fake. I am proud he wants to do this, especially when he picks up a hamburger with two hands and puts his entire mouth around it. Most kids like him gag at the thought of touching food to their mouth, but not Wyatt... he goes through all the actions expect chewing and swallowing. We are continuing to work with him and give him foods that he can actually swallow like yogurt, baby food, etc... He will lick about a teaspoon full and does ok. We are planning at sometime to do a swallow study to see if he can actually swallow.... but I wonder how you do a swallow study if your kid doesn't swallow???? Anyway, we will keep doing what we are doing, and hopefully one day he will swallow and chew, because he REALLY wants to eat like everyone else!!

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