Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How nice...

Family time with Mommy, Abby, Chloe, and Wyatt

Chloe and her Nanny... it's Nanny's last week :(((( Ignore the blue furniture. I hate the blue furniture and I can't wait to get REAL furniture... but it's not a priority now.. (it was in our basement of our old house)!!!!!!!!!! The lamp adds an extra special touch :))

Chloe and Daddy during story time...

I can't tell you how nice it is to be a family at home. Eventhough Johns Hopkins and Mt. Wash is nice... home is much better. We don't have to run off any where, I don't have to eat dinner in the car on the way to the hospital, and most importantly, we can be all together as a family. The feeling is so good, it's a sense of calmness. While I worked all day, Wyatt spent the day with Daddy and Nanny :))) Tomorrow is our big peditrician appointment. Wyatt had a nice uneventful day and even received a couple kisses by his big sister. When Wyatt was crying, Chloe wanted to help him by bringing him his Flovent!! (Don't worry.. it's usually out of reach, but we just gave it to him and it was beside us). I think this blog is turning into a family blog... but it should since Wyatt is home with his family.

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