Thursday, March 20, 2008

A tribute to Nanny

I thought I take a little bit of space on the blog to give a tribute to our Nanny, Lori who has devoted her life to Chloe, Lily, and Molly and who has been part of our family since Chloe was 3 months old. We also like to thank Amy and Jobe, who through this process has become life-long friends. Lori has become Chloe's second mommy when I could not be with her and I thank Lori for helping to raise such a well-rounded, full of personality, young lady. How can you thank someone for helping you raise their child in the same way you would? We were so lucky to have Lori, Amy, Jobe, and their girls in our life. We will miss Nanny and we love her very much. Below are pictures of Best Friends Forever from the past year and half. Check out Nanny's blog- We wish her the best!

Wyatt had his check up with his peditrician yesterday and it went really well. Wyatt got 4 shots and he didn't like it too much. No major changes, we go back on April 8th. We now weighs 13lbs 2 oz!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Wyatt!! Your Mommy knows just what you need and being home has made you SO happy!!!
Please ask Mommy to make sure she gets lots of pictures of you and Chloe when the Easter Bunny visits your house...your first Easter, what fun!! I told Mom-Mom she needed to get you a pair of bunny ears...LOL
Hope all of you enjoy being home today on Good Friday...
As always, with love, hugs, and prayers...
Karen :)