Monday, May 20, 2024


Today was low key, we were removed from two teams today- the pain team and the infectious disease team.   He is still getting all the antibiotics and pain medicine but Wyatt is stable in those departments so the PICU team will take over.  Today his cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) was tested compared to five days ago.  A dramatic improvement!  White blood cells from 146 to 2, red blood cells from 28,000 to 744 and the color is much more clear.  This means the infection and inflammation is healing in his brain.  

We still have a ways to go, but heading in the right direction.  Today Wyatt laughed for the first time- huge belly laugh!   I was so happy- crying for joy!  He is still dealing with headaches, shortness of breath and arm pain but hopefully those symptoms will decrease.

Some of the things I am proud of Wyatt- he is an excellent advocate for himself.  He asks his nurse about medications, keeps track of what should be given at certain times, asks for things he needs.  Yesterday we had an inexperienced nurse and he told her to to please get help before moving him.  He asks so many thoughtful medical questions.  (He is exceeding me!). Slowly but surely! 

May 15 vs May 20th- dramatic improvement!

While Wyatt is hanging out in the ICU- Chloe jumped into her school pool with her uniform! 

Just adding a few cute photos that showed up on my FB memories today!

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